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PRP Platelet Rich Plasma

What Is PRP Therapy?


PRP means platelet-rich plasma. To create platelet-rich plasma, a blood sample is taken from the patient and with a centrifuge the sample is rapidly spun, this separates out other components of the blood from the platelets and concentrates them within the plasma.

Once the separation process is complete the platelet-rich plasma is injected into the target area, This injection process increases the concentration of specific bio-proteins or hormones, called growth factors, which will accelerate the healing process or stimulate hair growth and density.

Using a combination of PRP therapy and micro-needling combined is very effective with acne scarring and softening scar tissue from surgery or injury. PRP works using the patient's own healing properties from the blood to stimulate healing.

Mr Vahidi can offer a combined treatment plan for acne and scarring. Most PRP treatments are effective with 3 treatments depending on the complexity of the problem.

Remember video consults are free of charge.


How Can PRP PRP Be Used?

Restore hair loss

Rejuvenate the face

Heal wounds faster

Heal acne scars

Reduce the appearance of stretch marks

Enhance sexual desire and pleasure

Repair sun-damaged skin

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PRP Platelet Rich Plasma for hair loss, acne, skin rejuvenation and scar revision

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) therapies should be done by qualified medical professionals for the treatment of hair loss, acne, scar revision and skin rejuvenation using the body's own plasma